Why You Need an Experienced Agency

Experienced AgencyAn experienced agency can make a huge difference in the fortunes of an automotive dealer in a lot of ways. Why? For starters, it’s far better to work with a team of seasoned automotive advertising specialists like JKR Advertising than doing your own advertising. But we also give you this piece of advice: Don’t just go out and retain the services of the first agency that comes along.

Be sure they’re an experienced agency. Be sure they have skilled media buyers and the latest agency software. Be sure they’ll be available for you on a moment’s notice if you need them. Be sure they have their finger on the pulse of the industry in every way. Finally, be sure they are able to show you multiple success stories with other clients they serve.

Finding an Experienced Agency

If you’re approached by an agency, ask them the following questions: How can I know for certain I’m getting the lowest ad rates in my market? How will I know my ads are targeting the right people at the right time? How can I know for sure I received everything I ordered? If you are not getting sufficient answers, it’s time to call JKR Automotive Advertising!

If you want to advertise on TV or radio, we’ll help you reach all your reach and frequency goals. We make this happen, in part, because we have software tools such as Nielsen and SQAD. In addition, our in-house studio allows us to ensure quality productions without losing any time waiting for a third-party company do their jobs.

If online advertising sounds intriguing to you, we can help here, too. We understand all the metrics and formulas for online advertising – and just as important, the knowledge of how to track the results.

Finally, if print is your media of choice, JKR Automotive Advertising features innovative designers and talented writers to produce an automotive newsletter, newspaper ad or other printed piece.

Here’s the whole point of today’s blog: Automotive advertising isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. Each client’s needs and wants are different. That’s why JKR is an experienced agency; it’s also why we are versatile enough to do everything! Our clients – especially the new ones who are experiencing JKR’s excellence for the first time – are amazed at the low ad rates and the rapid uptick in dealership traffic and sales.

JKR’s clients also appreciate the ability to return their focus on selling cars, knowing their advertising is in the more-than-capable hands of an experienced agency. Often, they wonder how they ever survived without JKR.

If you’d like to find out what JKR can do for your dealership, call Eric Tigner at (321) 397-0777 today.

JKR Automotive Advertising: We Move Cars.